Saturday was filled with visiting. Kathryn, Jim, and Kyle all stopped by Saturday morning for coffee and entertainment provided by Sawyer! Afterwards, the Gribble's all went down to visit MeMe and let Sawyer share his love once again! The afternoon was filled running errands and nap taking by some. Phillip and Jammie went out to eat with friends that night which meant we got to keep Sawyer! Mom and I decided to die easter eggs with Sawyer. As this was his first time, I will let the pictures speak for themselves!!!
Sunday morning, we awoke to find the easter bunny had arrived! We enjoyed watching Sawyer
look through his basket. The day was spent visiting again with people at church, everyone at Gen's for lunch, and a quick visit with the Dyer's. We did have just enough time to take off our jackets, turn on the timer, and pose for a quick photo!

Even though we were unable to see David, we were all thinking about him on his birthday!!!! So, happy birthday again Uncle Dave! Easter weekend ended as the next part of break began. Monday morning, Mom and I caught a 7 am flight to.....CALIFORNIA!!!!!