Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Young's Greenscapes!

Travis already has business cards for his company. Just last week he finally received his LARGE magnets for his truck! Check them out! Tell your friends!


The second weekend in November we spent cheering on Clemson as they played (or crushed, whatever way you look at it!) Wake Forest. Even though Carolina is my number one team and Wake would probably be my number two choice, I couldn't pull for them while I was down at Death Valley!
Tyler, Travis' cousin, and his girlfriend invited us to the game. Her family has season tickets. We were four rows back from the field!!!! Amazing tickets! We had breakfast burritos then enjoyed ribs post game. Go Tigers!


Since moving the beginning of October, the first weekend in November was the first time we did not have visitors or we did not have to travel. So, we celebrated it all and having Trooper back again by doing what we love...hiking! We headed into the Pisgah for a Sunday afternoon hike.
This could be embarrassing to say, but I learned that there is such a plant called a Christmas Fern. It gets its name from it's "boot-like leaf". (If someone previously taught me this, I apologize now for not remembering!)

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Faster than a speeding bullet...

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's...
Super Trooper!!!

Well, since neither of us dressed up for Halloween, someone had to!!! I found this in my dress up box at school (I'm thinking it might have belonged to John Williard?! Maybe I got it when I was going to State?) and brought it home Wednesday night. We dressed Trooper up and Travis took him for his evening walk!!!
Never fear, Super Troop is here!!!