Anyways, we set out for a quick trip to Muir Woods. None of these pictures will do any justice to
the beauty of these trees. However, I have to at least include some of them. Looking up at those trees reminded me of the first time I ever stepped out of Grand Central Station in New York. I just looked up and stared in amazement at the massive buildings standing before me. The same was true for this adventure. I wanted to just stare up for days at the massive trees; however, Laura was pushing us to move on. We had a very limited time to be in the forest; and we all wanted to make the most of it. There was a "hole" in one tree (much like the one in the picture to the left) that I swear you could pitch a tent in! AMAZING! 

After leaving Muir Wood, we swung by Stanford to pick up Grant (and his bike) and raced back to the house. Grant was quickly getting ready for a flight and I was quickly getting class started. Grant waved goodbye just as class was starting. It wasn't until he and Laura took off for the airport that I realized I wouldn't be seeing him until August. So, Grant...here's a long distance hug to make up for the one you missed! Laura fixed us dinner at the house again. We were joined by Maggie and Matt. Maggie explained all about her lab and what it is she really does. Surprisingly, I think I understood what she was telling me! For those of you that don't know, she's going to Stanford to get her masters/PhD in Physics! Way to go Maggie!
Laura, Mom, and I vegged out for our last night in CA.
Next stop...Stanford and Greensboro airport