Wednesday night, Travis and I went down to Greenville to hear Yonder Mountain String Band play. I got in bed at 2:30 a.m. I did get to sleep on the way home a little, but I was still tired on Thursday. That night, I was trying to stay awake for Grey's Anatomy only to find out it was the debates. So, I sat down on the couch around 8:45 thinking I would try and watch some of the debates. I must have been asleep at 8:46! So, Friday came and went with teaching and hanging out with some girls after school.
This morning, my alarm went off 4 times before I finally got up! My body is tired from the week. I was not looking forward to this run at all! The last time I ran this loop, I ended up walking some. It was supposed to be a 5 mile run in August, but it was actually a 6 mile run! Anyway, back to the morning run today. We set off for a 9 mile run!!! Yes, I said 9! I'm happy to report, I jogged the whole thing and it took us 1 hour and 40 minuntes to complete. We averaged an 11 minute mile...I'm getting faster!!!