I traveled home Friday night to run in the Rural Hall Are Business Association's
10K. We relaxed at the house Friday evening to a pasta dinner prepared by chef mom. Saturday morning, mom and I headed to the race around 7:30 when it was still 34 degrees outside! I grabbed my race number and got back in the car to stay warm. I was rethinking the shorts and long sleeved shirt I had decided to wear! I completed the race, not in my best time, but I completed the race! After a long hot shower to warm up, mom and I headed down to breakfast with the Rural Hall ladies. Finishing up around noon, we decided to spend the afternoon walking in houses on the Parade of Homes. We looked through five or six fancy, high end houses noting what we did and didn't like...as if we were going to be purchasing one! After the afternoon of walking around, I was done and ready to head home to dinner with family.
Hey I don't know if you remember me, but you were my first grade teacher at Davis Drive Elementary back in 2002? Anyway, I was looking through yearbooks and I remembered you and you were definitely my favorite teacher. I remember I sent my Flat Stanley to you in Second Grade. I was just wondering if you remembered me.
Matthew Wall
Matthew!!! I do remember you and now you are in high school! I remember those wonderful days at Davis Drive! I believe my last year there I came to watch you play soccer against some other friends in our room. I also remember Flat Stanley making a trip up to the mountains!!! Please tell your family I said hello!
Ms. Gribble
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