Since I'm far behind, I'll just share a quick monthly update. May was filled with finishing up Grad school classes for the semester, birthdays, Mother's Day, and unexpected visitors.
The first week in May, Travis called me after school and said his brother, sister-in-law, and niece were on their way to the mountains. They left Augusta that morning not sure where they were going. Their choices were Charleston or know which one was picked! We had dinner with them that first night at a place in downtown Hendersonville. We were able to sit outside and relax. Zion was a hit with everyone passing by! The next day, the guys went fishing; able to catch up on things. I think that's about all that was caught!!! We had dinner together at a Mexican place that we used to love. Not sure if we'll go back again though. Everyone was able to go on a hike the next day while I was at work. That night, they left and headed for the beach for the weekend! What a great surprise to have them visit
I was able to go home for Mother's Day to visit my mom and see MeMe. As Laura mentioned in her blog, several of us where able to meet at Salemtowne for a quick visit Saturday morning. It was great to see everyone, especially the west coasters. Now we only have to wait until August to see them again! I gave mom a book from Shutterfly all about our CA trip. I think it might have been a hit! I know I enjoyed reading the pages over again for giving the book to her.

Memorial Day weekend we spent down in Georgia. Our friends, Chris & Brandy, were moving from an apt. in Atlanta to a house in Athens. So, we went down early Saturday morning and spent all day getting everything moved. We got back late Sunday evening worn out! I'll have to take pictures next time we are down there.
Lastly, Happy Birthday to: Phillip Gribble, Becca Posner (May 9th)
Jill Hughes (May 25th)
Jammie Gribble, Dinah Watkins (May 31st)
1 comment:
WOW, Travis and his brother look so much alike. I must say, good DNA :)
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