Sunday, March 14, 2010


I have demonstrated procrastination at its finest! I signed up for National Boards last summer. Began the school year knowing I would be tackling this and finally printed the 300+ pages of information sometime in October. I started attending the county meetings the end of October and listened as they told me to get started. Over Christmas break, I finally sat down and made a plan. Only having three months left seemed to be worrying my family more than me! I came back in January with a new plan. I mapped out each task(s) that needed to be completed weekly and set this calendar out to slap me in the face each morning! The first 3 weeks I was highly motivated checking tasks off and also recording my exercising since I was training for this upcoming race. Then, snow hit and I lost all motivation. I got a little more motivated, then snow hit again. This pattern repeated itself two more times until that last turn of the calendar. When I turned the page for March, my stomach instantly hurt and my heart began racing. Only 31 days until my box was due and 27 days until I was running the race! After hyperventilating, I got motivated! Since then, I have recorded my videos, gathered my papers, and written until I no longer even enjoy checking e-mail or facebook since that involves sitting at the computer. Doing webcams with my niece and nephew are still enjoyable though! So, from Sunday until yesterday (Saturday) my week looked like this:
*Taught school 4 days, taking off Friday for a National Board writing day. (I get 3 of these from the county)
* Attended a meeting after school Monday
* Helped with girls on the run 2 days this week after school
* Exercised 4 days this week
*Tried entertaining an energetic puppy since we had 3 days of rain
* Spent 21 hours writing on my boards (11 came from Friday and Saturday)
* Ran an hour yesterday in preparation for the race
* Ate dinner at some friends' house last night in basically my pajamas because I knew as soon as I got home I would crash!

Lesson learned: don't procrastinate.
Lesson I'll follow: I work best under pressure, so enjoy the day after you finish!
I look forward to having this box mailed off next week so I can enjoy the race in Charleston with friends and then Spring Break!!!


Kyle said...

I know you're busy but I certainly hope you're keeping your house clean and the dishes done and the winter preparation for your summer garden done and I hope you've returned all the library books you have read and I hope you're keeping up with the crossword puzzles and how about those spices, are the in alphabetical order? You know Santa watches all year long.

Phillip said...

I agree with Kyle...I mean at least you could do it volunteer a the food pantry! We are proud of you (only if you finish:) )

Lina said...

Rah rah rah! You're doing amazing and I think working under pressure is really the only way to work. Its like running only if someone is chasing you. :) We'll be thinking about you!!!