I have to toot my own horn for a second here. I was voted by my colleagues as Teacher Of the Year at my school!!!! So, now I have to answer some questions about my teaching, and go for an interview the end of April. All this is for the county TOY. We have a special luncheon the beginning of May at which time the county TOY will be announced. I asked if I could politely decline the "race" for the county award, but my principal just laughed at me! I'm just happy to have the honor from my school!!!

Check out the big brain on Bethany! Congratulations, you deserve it!
Congratulations Bethany!!!!
It seems your little plan to take over the school system is working to perfection.
CONGRATULATIONS on a well-deserved honor.
You might be interested in joining my niece-of-the-year competition. It begins today and there is a small entry fee payable by check, credit card or money order.
Yay for you!!!! What perfect timing, too!
Congratulations Bethany! So happy for you, I know you deserve it!
But don't bother trying for that niece of the year thing Kyle's trying. You don't have a shot. ;-)
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