...I've got all my sisters with me!!!
Saturday (and Sunday too) turned out to be a beautiful day! I started my day with a morning jog, then headed out to buy a few more supplies for Pattie. I have been letting her out without the leash to teach her "freedom within means" and I quickly learned my lesson! She ended up in the ditch right by the road when I grabbed her! A few more steps and she would have been in the road. Scary!!!! So, she now goes outside on a leash at all times. I just want her to be an outside dog that just chills

in the sun and hangs out with you. I want to be able to open the door, let her out, and she stays around. I certainly don't want her being a dog that bolts every chance she gets when the front door opens. So, I thought I was teaching her right...boy I was wrong! Hopefully this will come in due time. In the meantime, I'm open for suggestions! So, I brought a tie up (I can't remember the real name) so she could be outside hooked to the tree but room to move around and play. I think she liked it at least a little bit! She of course tried chewing it several times at which time I told her "drop" and most times she did it the first time. So, as she was enjoying the outside, I was able to wash my dirty car. When I finished, I did play with her some as she was still attached of course!
Here's the fun part for her: I took her to the park to reunite with one of her sisters! Another teacher at my school took home Lucy and another teacher took home Cash, one of their brothers. We c

ouldn't get in touch with Cash's mom, but hope he can come to the next puppy play date! Oh, they had so much fun!!! We walked them around the park looking for a good spot. Then, we let them off the leash for a bit to wrestle with each other. Luckily, they both stayed very close by! The park was FULL of people and dogs since it was such a beautiful day! Pattie wasn't too sure about the other small dogs that passed, but loved sniffing and kissing the larger dogs as they passed! On our way there, Pattie "cried" in her crate for about 3-4 minutes. On the way home, she instantly settled down and slept! When the evening came to a close, I was pretty tired myself seeing as we got up at 5:45 that morning! Next time, I need to remember my sunscreen. My arms and neck got a little burned. I just wasn't even thinking about it since we just got rid of the snow on Thursday!
love Patty, she's so cute and fun (for what I've been able to read and see on your pics.). We have an Australian Shepard (spl?) and he stays outside during the day and inside when we are home (or at least that's how it was before we had our son ... anyways) we had the hardest time to keep him around the house because all he wanted to do was chase cars on the road, we tried a lot of things (needless to say our yard isn't fenced) so we bought an electric collar ... those that you determine the radio you want your puppy to have, if they go over that perimeter a little shock goes on their collar ... is not as horrible as it sounds but you do have to train them good, which doesn't take long, the collar comes with an instructional video ... it's work the dollars and you just need to remember to change the batteries. Sorry if this was too long but I wanted to explain our experience the best I could.
I got to you through Anna's blog :D
Typo: it's worth the dollar
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