Well, it has been back to school this week (even though I've already spent 6 full days there between workshops, meetings, and getting the room together). My first clue was when I began setting the timer on the coffee pot again! Tuesday, our school received a grant to have the ESL children come in to learn about our school. We had translators from the high school come help us with the kids while our ESL teacher spoke with the parents. Hopefully this will help these upcoming first days of school! Afterwards, we spent a few hours calling parents to inform them we were their child's teacher and giving them more information. Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday were filled with a few meetings and working in the classrooms. The best part was being able to take a real lunch break! We had a true 30 minutes to eat and talk to adults...and we didn't have to stay at school for it!
Friday proved much of the same and now the room is ready for the Meet the Teacher on Monday! Of course, there are always ideas running through my head of ways to change something or add to it. However, I'm learning more and more how to let it go! I'd much rather enjoy my weekend than spend it by myself in a hot building. I'm still thinking about my garden though and how I could go fix that for less than an hour of my time; plus I love to work in the dirt! Either way, I was tired when I finally left school yesterday and was thinking there was no way I was going out. As we all know, things change! Here's what happened yesterday between 5:00 p.m. and 10:30 p.m.:
1. Get home at 5:30
2. Came home to a hot house. Looked at the thermostat only to find no numbers!!! Called the air people that were coming for a service call??? Wanted me to go downstairs, but I can't quite get the door lifted. I almost have it! So, waited for them to come out.
3. While waiting, killed a black widow in my house!!! No lie!!! I think I hit it 6 times with the shoe...just to make sure!
4. Air guy finally shows up around 6:20 and fixes it..yeah!
5. Book it to Luella's to meet Ann, Brad, Maggie, Justin, and their 2 boys for dinner. I got there just as the food had arrived around 7:20.
6. We all headed to downtown after 5 enjoying music and a beer.
7. Back home around 10:15 and finally sat down for the day!
Saturday: walking with the girls in the a.m., possible puppy playdate in the afternoon, the girls night out with a matinee, dinner, and drinks! Also, a Happy Birthday to Heather Bryant today!!!