Saturday was spent mowing the grass and letting Pattie play with her sister. I enjoy mowing the grass for three reasons: 1. it's good exercise, 2. you can get sun while doing it (even with sunscreen on!), and 3. I love the way it looks when it's finished. It's a sense of accomplishment. Moving on...I was supposed to meet an old high school friend for a late lunch who was traveling

Even though those plans were a bummer, I was still able to take Pattie to play with her sister Lucy. We let "the girls" run around in the backyard before walking them over to the big field at the nearby school for some real running. After bringing them back, we decided to walk them around the neighborhood so I could look at some houses that are for sale. Pattie had a good time, but after about 2ish hours, she was pooped!
Sunday morning, I drove down to Charlotte to have lunch with my friend Heather, her husband,

I got wrapped up in talking and lost track of time. Plus, once I got to the shower venue I had trouble finding a place to park. One of Dana's sisters-in-law who was helping give the shower works at Queens University. So, the shower was in one of the buildings there. It was nicely done, however, the place was hot!!! Apparently there is no air turned on over the weekends! I was hot so I know Dana was!!! There was great food, a delicious cake, and lots of presents to open. Dana had a shower at her mom's house on Saturday for high school friends and family friends. So, she was certainly "showered" with lots of gifts!!! It was hard saying goodbye this time. The last thing I said was..."the next time I see you you'll have a baby boy!!!!"

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