Monday, August 17, 2009

Drinks and Games...

...or was it drinking games?! In everyone's life a little rain must fall. Or if you're in the mountains during the summer rain will fall almost daily. Most of the time, these showers occurred late afternoon leaving us plenty of time for a boat ride followed by a late (very) lunch. We didn't let the rain slow us down for long. There was usually naps, showers, appetizers, reading, talking, and quieter games happening. Of course, the occasional game of four square can get loud! We saved the louder versions of "Oh Hell" for the evenings. Just a side note: I was the "Oh Hell" champion 2 nights in a row!
Valuable Life Lessons from our Uncles:

Taking it back to the old school:

Drinking prohibits the speed of Scrabble
Daily Occurrence
Never Just One...
Margaritas on the deck

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