My good friends Dana and Trent, that now live in CO, came home to NC for the holidays. I was able to spend a few hours with them and meet their son. Grayson was born on October 22nd and he was just dying to meet his aunt Bethany! I drove up to Hickory for the day and spent the afternoon loving on him. I could just eat him with a spoon! They will be flying back to CO this week so I'll have to wait until next summer to see them again. However, there's always Skype to get me through the months!
After Christmas was over there was still fun to be had! Phillip, Jammie, and I went out one night to watch the Carolina basketball game. Back home, Caroline was busy going through my Christmas dress-up bag. Watch out Hollywood!!! Mom and I took Sawyer to the Children's Museum and out to lunch. Everyone else in W-S had the same idea that day! There was also the dinner I had with Kyle and Marie and the visit from Kathryn that we all enjoyed.
Since the Ohio Gribbles came Sunday afternoon and we were over at Kathryn's late for the family celebration; we decided to exchange our presents Monday morning. So, it was like waking up Christmas morning minus that fact that Santa didn't come visit again. Caroline and Sawyer had a good time handing out the gifts and then the opening began! Since I gave Caroline a cheerleading outfit last year, I knew that payback was coming. Sure enough, I opened up a lovely teacher sweater this year! After it was all said and done; it looked like a tornado had come through! After checking out all the gifts again, we headed over to grandmother Gen's to get out some energy. Since it's been so snowy and rainy; Pattie was loving being able to run and play too! (If the slideshow starts on the video, press play a few times until pictures pop up after the video finishes. There are a few pictures but for some reason they aren't showing up first?!)
Sunday evening, the Petty side of the family got together for the annual dirty santa/white elephant gift exchange. We were missing our northern (NY, MD/D.C area) relatives, but we gained our west coast relatives for this celebration. The Ohio Gribbles got into town around 2:30 Sunday afternoon, unpacked, played a bit, then got back in the car to head over to Kathryn's for the festivities. After a delicious spread of dips, flank steak, and divine desserts; the games began! Of course, this year proved just as entertaining as past years with the award for best gift going to John. The lucky recipient of his gift was Uncle Kyle who gained a snuggie and light set complete with a chia Obama!
I was awoken Christmas morning by a video text message from the Ohio Gribbles. Jammie, Caroline, and Sawyer said "Merry Christmas! Call us!" That of course had me jumping out of bed and ready to start the day. I woke up mom and dad by playing the message for them. Once we got ourselves up and awake, we jumped on Skype to watch the Ohio Gribbles. Sawyer was so excited because he spent his first Christmas morning waking up in his own house! He showed us everything Santa had left while Caroline proceeded to eat donuts and chocolate! A girl after my own heart!
After saying our goodbyes, mom, dad, and I opened up our presents. Mom ended up wrapping Caroline's pretend vacumn cleaner as a clue for me to use the money to buy a new one for the floors. I am tired of using the broom and quite frankly it just doesn't work all that well as I watch Pattie hair and dust float away. So, I returned the pretend one back to it's spot in the toy cabinet and will venture out soon to get my own real one! Mom had also taken the time to paint a Pattie ornament for me. She found an ornament, but it was brown. So, she had to doctor it up a bit. It looks just like Pattie if you ask me! I can't wait to hang it on my tree next year! Don't worry, Pattie was not left out from her first Christmas. She got some bones and a few new toys; one of which was destroyed within the hour!
After presents, we headed over to Gen's for breakfast. There were about 25 of us that gathered as we always do for breakfast. This tradition began at my grandparents house many years ago and was passed along to Gen and Ken's house. Now the tradition has continued and will hopefully never be broken. I always hear it's good to start new traditions, but this is one I'm not willing to let go of just yet. We met at 10 to chit chat and enjoy a plate full of goodness! The afternoon was spent napping, Christmas movie watching, and eating a late lunch/dinner before calling it a night. I was to meet at Kathryn's house for a 5:30 a.m. departure time to go sale shopping!
Christmas Eve we traveled over to Grandma Gribble's house for the Gribble Family Christmas. Unfortunately, we don't get to see this side of the family very often so it's always nice to sit around and catch up with each other. Uncle Steve, Aunt Martha, and my cousins Margaret, Russ and his wife Jessica joined in the festivities. We were missing the Ohio Gribble's from our gathering, so we will go see Grandma Gribble next week after they have arrived.
We enjoyed an afternoon of talking, eating, a few cocktails, and presents before we had to head back for the lovefeast. The service started at 10:30 and we were back home after midnight. I had coffee at the service, so I wasn't able to go to sleep until 2:00! I knew that there would be a nap taken Christmas day!
Monday morning I awoke with a huge list of things to do before my evening party. My friends had requested another girls night out (for them) at my house and it was decided that the Monday before Christmas would work out best. So, I started my morning by finishing up the cleaning of the house before tackling the "decorations" of the coozies and cups that we would be using that night. I found these for a dollar back in November and decided I would dress them up a bit and give them out as presents. Then I remembered that some people might only want to drink wine, so I found a way to "dress up" the wine glasses I found for a buck also. So, the finished product was ready and I was off to my rescheduled hair appt. since I couldn't get out of my driveway or road on Saturday. It was after that appt. that things changed. Mother nature had another idea for many of us. Slick driveways, snowed in cars in garages, black ice, and powerless homes had now postponed the outing until January. However, a few of us were determined that we could get out and that we would still get together for the holidays. So, we met at Brixx pizza for our outing. I was a little bummed at not having the girls over, but saw the bright side to all of this: we can get together twice and maybe next time more people can come over that were originally out of town for this planned event! There's always a silver lining to everything; sometimes it just takes a little time to figure it out or accept it. All in all, it was a lovely evening spent with friends (new and old) before we all begin our holiday travels. Merry Christmas to everyone and just know, "we can do it again in 2010"!!!
Every year, I have rushed out of my house the moment I begin my winter break. This year, I decided I was going to take things easy, go with the flow, and take it all in. Why rush? I love being with my family, but when I'm gone for two weeks I miss out on the Christmas season at my own house. The joys of waking up in my pajamas, drinking coffee, and maybe not changing into real clothes until the early afternoon. I miss holiday time spent with my friends and taking in what my town has to offer. So, this year marks the first year EVER that I have not rushed home. Am I growing up?! Friday was supposed to be our last day before the winter break, but mother nature had another plan for us. School was called off after 6 that morning; after I had showered, gotten dressed, heard the coffee pot start, and dried my hair. So since I was awake, I watched the snowfall...back in my pajamas of course! I watched as the snow fell heavy at times looking almost like a blizzard. About every hour, I would walk outside with Pattie and take in the winter wonderland that was falling around us. Pattie loved the snow this year and it was hilarious to watch her reaction as the snow grew higher. I had a total of 10.5 inches fall at my house and it's still around three days later. The roads have all been scraped, I shoveled my driveway and my walkway, and sent my friends back home. Some friends and their dog came over to stay Saturday morning after they lost power Friday. They ventured back home Sunday night around 9 when they got the phone call from a neighbor that 50 hours later the power had come back on. It was a little quiet in the house last night, but after sleeping on the couch Saturday night I welcomed the stillness of no puppies playing and lying in my warm bed. So, now it's off to clean the house, make some food, and get the drinks ready for the girls Christmas party at my house tonight!
The Sunday after Thanksgiving, I arrived back in the mountains determined to decorate for Christmas. I know it might seem early to some, but since there is some traveling during the holidays I don't want to miss out on the season. This was the first time I have ever bought a tree and brought it into the house by myself. I was determined to complete this tradition by myself and I have to say that it all feels different this year. This is the first year that my house has that warm and inviting feel to it. I have decorated my house with roommates all seven years I have lived up here, but for the first time I really feel like it's home. It all looks so good, if I do say so myself. Pattie was not so sure what to think about the tree when she first saw it. She did some barking telling it who was boss in this house. (I'm sure she said that was me!) She has taken some more sniff tests, but luckily hasn't messed with it too much...yet! Decorating the tree is always an enjoyable experience for me. I love getting out the old ornaments like the ones I used to help hang on my grandparents tree and adding the new ornaments that somehow represent a place I have gone that year or an event I have done. The past few years at Christmas, my mom has given me one ornament that represents something memorable from that past year. I had forgotten all about the Kiawah Island Half-Marathon ornament she made for me last year. And might I add that thank goodness I am not running that race today, because there's no way I could make it 13.1 miles! We had a beautiful snow fall here Saturday morning, but nothing really stuck to the ground. I ran out in the morning to try and gather a few more presents for the angel tree names I took. Of course while I was out, I found some other items that would just be perfect for some gifts. So, those were purchased as well. I met some friends at a local sports bar to watch the Carolina basketball game. Even though they lost by 2, it was an intense game to watch; well at least the 2nd half was! That evening, I went with a friend and met a new friend up to Dillsboro. They open their shops up the 1st two weekends in the month and set out luminaries. It really felt like Christmas when you put the hot cider, decorations, and cold weather together. We each purchased a few little items, filled up with some cider and sweets, then called it a night after about two hours. We stopped at a favorite restaurant for a late dinner before heading home. Pair all this with a special viewing of Christmas Vacation and you have a nice little beginning to a Holiday season!