Wednesday afternoon, my parents came up for a seminar my dad is attending. I picked them up at their hotel and we headed downtown for a late dinner. As soon as they said they were staying near downtown, I knew exactly where I wanted to eat...Tupelo Honey Cafe!!! I probably haven't eaten there in over a year, and it certainly tops "my favorite place to eat" list! Nothing beats the homemade tomato soup, home fries, and fried okra! After dinner, mom followed me to my house to spend the night.
She came with me to school today. In the past 8 years I have been teaching, my mom has only been able to come one other time when kids were there. Usually she gives up a few days in August to help me set up my classroom. So, it was very different to be able to see what the room looks like after it has been "lived" in! The kids were excited and maybe a bit confused to have two people with the same last name in the same room! She stayed until lunch when she left to go meet dad for an afternoon of exploring before the banquet.
Below is a video of my mom reading Quick As A Cricket to my children. If only I could read as wonderfully as her!
That is so cool to have that! She sure is talented. Or just plain touched in the head. Either way that was so much fun to watch.
Sooo cute! First of all, next time she visits can I borrow her to read to my class? Secondly, can I borrow that book to help my kids learn what a simile is?
Kelly B.
Oh! Mrs Gribble! Your mom IS a wonderful storyteller! Thanks for commenting on our new puppy dog. He is the greatest. He is such a little lover. He is the typical little brother to our big dog, Bruno. Tries to bite him playfully and play with hm when BRUNO just wants to SLEEP. Poor Bruno.
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