Today is my sweet mother's birthday! We won't tell her age except that she's 30 years older than me! This past Saturday, mom and dad offered to drive up here to help me "winterize" my house. I declared operation winterize Friday afternoon and was determined to take back my house! We hung film on most of the windows stuffing paper in most of the cracks first. Luckily, I no longer feel cold wind blowing at me when I stand in front of the windows. I certainly appreciate their help! After we were finished working, dad and I took mom out for her birthday "lupper"...a late lunch/early dinner before they headed back home. We thought about going over to "stone cold slab" (it's a new combo ice cream place mom created!) for some ice cream, but passed when we walked outside and it was blowing snow again! We were a bit shocked at the size of the petite filets that mom and I both ordered...good thing we didn't decide to split them! Nevertheless, we had a good chuckle over them, enjoyed a good day together, and were reminded how lucky we are to be family. Happy Birthday Mom!
I think the amount of grilled onions on the plate was more than the steak!
Sorry Laura-I-mean-Bethany. I'll try to arrange to have some more food shipped in.
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