On Saturday, I went with Maggie, Justin, and their boys to the Asheville Earth Day Festival. We got there just as things were getting started. There was great smelling food, music playing, beer, and face painting! As the day went on, more people began to arrive. There were even lots of dogs out there. Maybe I should have taken Pattie!
We heard 2 bands, almost three as we were walking back to the car. We were able to get good food,

walk around to see the vendors, enjoy the sunshine, and watch Miles get his face painted. Actually, he decided to get his arm painted. He was great and sat really still as the lady painted his arm. When we returned back to our stuff, the three of us noticed that Miles' face was black! He had smeared and/or licked the black spider painted on his arm. He now looked like he had a beard! Pretty soon after that, we decided to call it a day at the festival. Liam was already asleep in the stroller, but Miles was losing steam fast!
Maggie and I headed out after getting everyone home for some girl time.

We checked out REI (my fav!) and got some Marble Slab ice cream! Yummy! When I got home, I scooped Pattie and we went into the Pisgah for an early evening walk. She did great! She got excited when she would see other people coming her way! I let her get into the river for a drink. She wasn't quite sure what to think about the water this time. Of course, she was still attached to the leash and me and I

wasn't jumping in that cold water after her!