Wednesday, April 15, 2009

50 Nifty!

Uncle Dave-o turned 50 on April 8th. The entire family was getting together for dinner Saturday night. So, someone had the brilliant idea to surprise David and turn the dinner into a surprise birthday party!

Decorations were thrown up by the men, food was prepared by the women, and drinks were had all around! Kathryn had a stash of stuff for us to dress up with including party hats and flowers! The party came complete with the chocolate fountain! You just can't go wrong dipping a strawberry, pineapple, banana, or Krispy Kreme doughnut into pouring chocolate!

I didn't get too many good pictures from the night. Look closely at the table beside Jammie and Oliver and you'll see the famous fountain! However, you can't let a 50th birthday go without being noticed! So, Happy 50th Birthday Dave-o! I would have to say his expression in the picture might just say it all!

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