Saturday, October 17th my mom and I woke up around 4:30ish to start getting ready for THE race! We left the house around 5:15 and began making our way to Cornelius, NC for the LungStrong 15K that I would be running in that morning. The race was to start at 7:45 and packet pickup opened at 6:45. Not knowing exactly where we would be going, we left a little early leaving plenty of time for traveling, bathroom breaks, and finding parking. Good thing we left that early, because the parking was already filling up and we arrived around 6:50.

It had been raining off and on along the drive and the temperature was not rising like I thought it was going to be. I originally thought it would be warmer since, you know, it's still early October. I was not really prepared for 47, wind, and rain.
I asked Julia Page to print a special shirt for the race in memory of Marty. You can see the shirt in the pictures. During those last few months of Marty's battle, he and Jane just kept saying "It's Good. It's All Good". So, I had Running for Ridge printed on the front and "It's All Good" with Marty's name on the back. Since I had it printed on a short sleeve shirt, I HAD to wear it! They always say when you run to add 20 degrees, so I figured I would be hot in shorts and a t-shirt. I left my long sleeve shirt on until the horn blew at which time I threw it to mom. I was sweating for sure during the race, but I never felt hot! I actually remember feeling cold a few times when the

wind would blow.
I didn't walk quite as much as I thought I would, but defiantly did some walking through the water stations and around mile 7. I would say mile 6 was my best mile and then I lost momentum until that last .3 of the race! Either way I finished and raised money with lots of help for a great cause!
After the race, I grabbed some free water, Powerade, food, and a beer. Mom asked if I wanted to stick around but at this point I was freezing and ready to get warm!

Plus, I knew that I would be ready to eat very soon! Needless to say, we didn't eat fast enough and I ended up getting sick in the car. Which is strange because it usually takes a lot to make me sick. Either way, we stopped at the next exit to throw away the bag and there it was. Bojangles..my lifesaver! Yup, that's right folks. I got sick and less than 5 minutes later I was eating a chicken filet biscuit combo! It was mighty tasty! After getting back to mom and dad's, I showered, stretched, filled up on some water, then took about a 3-4 hour nap! I woke up refreshed,

a bit sore, and ready to eat again! Thanks to everyone who supported me through encouragement and donations. A special thanks to mom for taking time to go with me to the race. I couldn't have made it without you!