Yesterday afternoon, I decided to take a drive up to Sapphire to visit with some old friends. I met Byron and Meredith a few years ago and and have enjoyed my time spent with them over the years. Unfortunately, I have not seen them in about a year so it was long overdue! In the past, I have met up at their house in Highlands to hang out for the night. They have a now 5 year old son that is an awesome kid. Since they will be moving down to GA in about 2 weeks, he was spending the night with a friend so I missed seeing him.

So, early afternoon I hooked up the GPS and prayed that it wouldn't lose signal while I climbed the mountain! I met up with them at one of their friends' family mountain house. Hello gorgeous views and gorgeous house! It was like something you see in a magazine. For just a second I pretended the house was mine! It was some windy narrow roads to make it up to the top, but all worth it once I stepped out of the car! All the people there were big Auburn fans but they didn't seem to mind my Tarheel shirt! We enjoyed some wings, snacky foods, drinks, views, football, and chatting for a few hours.

I left just before dark so I could make my way down the mountain safely and to return home to my now 9 month old puppy! Good times!

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