Well, let's start with the A/C or lack of A/C. I finally turned my air on sometime around the beginning of June. It never quite was working right. So, last Friday I called the landlord. They just happened to be in town, so thought they would come take a look. They could not fix the problem (big surprise there!), so they supposedly called Monday morning. After not hearing from them, I called Monday night. She called me on Tuesday to say they would come out that day. Tuesday it was not fixed because no one came! Someone finally came Wednesday and ran tests right up until 5:00 when the parts department closed. They said the part would be ordered

Thursday morning so to turn my air back on Friday morning and set it at 70. I did as they said but was concerned because extremely hot air was blowing out. I closed all the windows, closed the vent in Pattie's room, and made sure all the ceiling fans were blasting. Came home after summer school Friday to a hot 89 degree house and no one there to work on it!!! So, I decided I would call this time to make sure I would be here to let someone in if needed. Found out that they would not be coming and that I should not have turned on the air. After I snapped back with I was told to, they finally stepped down a bit, got my number, and hopefully will be calling me on Monday. Don't worry, they will be hearing from me Monday morning again! So, needless to say, I was sweating from the time

I got home yesterday (also because I mowed the grass) until this morning! It's hard to get your house cooled off when it's 86 degrees outside. It was 81 in the house when I woke up at 2 am sweating!!!
So, to "beat the heat" I headed downtown last night with Anna and her husband Blair and another lady from school for the drum circle. I haven't been in a few years, so it's even bigger than before! The "professionals" gather in a circle on the ground and those wishing to join in grab a space on the steps. It's cool to see the mixture of people drumming, playing another instrument, dancing, and watching from the crowd...plus it's FREE entertainment! The man that

kind of leads the whole thing is in the video. He has gray hair, standing with the drums, and tonight he put on a white glove in memory of Michael Jackson!
We watched the drum circle for almost two hours before heading to grab a beer. As we were leaving the bar around 11:30ish all the "young kids" were just arriving. Oh I remember those days! So, watch the video and if it sparks your interest plan a trip up here to see me and we'll check it out in person. Bring your drums and dancing shoes!
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