Monday morning Sawyer and I woke up early again to a rainy morning...well Sawyer did at least! As we "tiptoed" downstairs, a very large, very territorial older cat

was waiting on Pattie. I guess he had enough of this dog being in his house for two days and he decided it was time to show her who's boss. It went something like this: Pattie starts to bark, cat hisses and shows claws, Sawyer is a little nervous, Pattie finally gets outside to potty, Sawyer quickly makes it to a chair, cat is at back door on back legs hissing at Pattie who is outside barking, I get a pretend treat and try to get cat up the stairs, cat figures out my trick halfway up stairs and claws at me leaving 4 cuts, Sawyer screams out "Aunt Bethany I need a tissue!", I am trying not to scream from the cuts and try to whisper "go to the bathroom", Sawyer says "but it's coming out of my nose, I need a tissue quick", I say again "go to the bathroom" as I finally get cat into a door and shut door, quickly make it down stairs to find that Sawyer is good and Pattie is still barking, let her inside and look for coffee. Remember, that
everyone else is still sleeping!

So, everyone gets up and Sawyer is able to play with the boys. When Heather gets back from taking the oldest to school, Sawyer and I head over to "the girls" house to play. We were all going to the pool, but the rain changed our plans for us. It was decided that we would build a fort which of course Sawyer thought was really cool! It took 4 adults, 2 couches, one oversized chair, 4 kitchen table chairs, rubber bands, clothespins, other clips, sheets, and blankets to create this masterpiece. During this fort making time I must add that the kitten at this house cut my pinky finger deep enough to have it throb all day..they all must know that I love dogs better!

So, since the fort took up the entire living room space and almost all the kitchen chairs, we had a picnic on the floor for lunch. Sawyer and I headed back to the Bryants for naptime and some play time with the boys again. Mid-afternoon, the two of us headed back over to the girls house for more playtime and dinner (again, what we do best!). While the ladies headed to the store for a few more items for dinner, William and Ben were now in charge. When we returned, there was another fort built. This time it only involved overturned furniture, a few couch cushions, and two blankets. This of course was Sawyer's favorite fort!
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