Now Sawyer and I are on quite a different schedule from the Bryant boys. He doesn't usually go to sleep until 9 -9:30ish and he wakes up around 6:45. The Bryant boys are usually in bed around 8:00, especially now that school has started back (year round) and they don't usually get up before 8:00.
Sawyer and I shared a bed so the first morning I awake to "Aunt Bethany is it time to get up yet?" As I look at the clock I immediately say 15 more minutes. I got about 5 minutes more before we headed downstairs. A ready to go boy and a "really have to potty" puppy go bounding down the stairs! Sawyer has eaten breakfast and quitely played in their playroom before the boys get up!
We all decided to go to Weaver Street in Carrboro. They have a square there where people gather to hear music from 11-1 on Sundays. So, we loaded up the 4 boys and 3 adults and headed to meet the other van full of 3 kids and 4 adults! The kids enjoyed "climbing" the huge oak tree and some enjoyed dancing to the music. There are large hula hoops,
like the ones I used to use when I was big into String Cheese, that the kids tried using to hula hoop! Mark grabbed a football at the last minute so the boys enjoyed throwing that around too. There was also a smaller tree that the boys enjoyed climbing as well. We enjoyed a picnic lunch under the shade while the kids ran around and played. Sawyer and I
went inside and got some ice cream together. Before we all left for naptimes, we found someone to take our group picture! Amazing how we have grown!!! 

Looks like all those kids had a blast!!! I"m glad you got some quality time with your friends and Sawyer. That is great! Enjoy the rest of your trip!!
Just for the record, Sawyer's bedtime is NOT 9 or 9:30 Aunt Bethnay. We usually are in bed between 8:30 and 9:00 pm in OHIO!!!
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